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Posted today are pictures that I took last week when we visited the set of the hit series "24." Check them out. As you may recall, we interviewed John Cassar, the executive producer/director of "24" and Carlos Bernard who played Tony Almeida on the show. We aired that interview on Thursday night, but the still pictures from our interview are just being posted today. When we were in L.A., John told me that Season 5 is coming out on DVD in the next month — so, if you are a "24" fan and you missed Season 5, this will be your chance. (I actually downloaded it about six months ago from iTunes, but now it will be available on DVD.

Send me an e-mail answering these questions: In reference to Election Day, are you undecided? Do you know anyone who is undecided? And what would it take to make you "decided?" What hangs you up at this late date (or the person who you know who is undecided?)

The FNC prime-time anchors/hosts have off tomorrow night — election night. (I confess, I am thrilled to have the night off. I am going to watch the returns in the comfort of my own home. In years past I have been tethered to a set in a cold studio waiting for the occasional role and worse, the coverage can last for hours — it starts at 8 p.m. and can go all night. Yes, it can be exciting to report on the election, but it can be equally exciting to relax and watch from home. I am wondering whether my husband will be in command of the remote control.)

If things don't go smoothly with the ballot counting, I guess I can expect an early Wednesday morning call dispatching me to the state that is consumed in ballot counting chaos. Let's hope there are no problems this election. In 2000, I got lucky. If you have to travel, at least get a great location. I got Palm Beach and spent almost a month there — probably my best assignment in all the years on television. Imagine a month in Palm Beach, where the weather was glorious!

Make sure you read E-mail No. 7 below. I feel like Lloyd does. I just don't understand why politicians think it is OK to be such jerks to each other rather than focus on the issues. I guess because negative ads work, right? I don't know how much that says about us watching them or what they think about us. I would like to vote for anyone who is not so lame and juvenile, but then there would be no one to vote for, since I think they all do it. Functional equivalent schoolyard behavior to these ads is condemned by parents, but for some reason it is "OK" when done by adults running for office. There is a lot of "the other guy" does it, but it is indeed true that the rare politician who "takes the high road" runs the risk of not getting elected. Go figure.

Last week we were in Reno, Vegas and L.A. and our week was pretty much planned in advance. This is of course unusual in cable news since we program according to what is happening in the news and news is not predictable, but we took a gamble and got lucky. This week we have absolutely no idea where we are going to be or what we will do. At best, I assume we will do politics tonight. But Wednesday? As noted, it all depends on the election results — stay tuned.

Now for some e-mails:

E-mail No. 1

Hi, Greta,
I enjoyed your shows from Los Angeles, where I have lived for the past 20 years. I still miss my hometown, Chicago, every day. But L.A. is my home now.
Incidentally, I see that you're a mean bowler. The Mar Vista Bowling Alley is two blocks west of my apartment on Venice Boulevard. It looks and smells like an old bowling alley and is often quite busy. I don't bowl anymore (I haven't since high school), but I walk through the bowling alley sometimes on my way to the great coffee shop adjacent to it.
The Fox TV studio is only about two miles from my home on Venice Boulevard, a half-mile or so west of the 405 Freeway. I used to go to the Bally/Holiday Spa Gym across the street from Fox TV studios. You probably drove past my apartment building on your way to or from the airport.
Although I haven't been a big "24" fan, I have watched it a number of times and found it intriguing. Now I'll have to watch it again.
I like the approach you are taking to the Nov. 7 election. I generally vote a straight Democratic ticket. The Propositions on the California ballot get to be a pain, but I study them beforehand. Right now, I have a pretty clear idea on how I will vote.
The first time I voted was in 1962. I turned 21 in September 1961. I was a student at Northwestern and living in Evanston. I voted Democratic except for the vote I cast for Donald Rumsfeld, whom I thought was one of the sharpest candidates of that election. He was running for Congress.
I rented an attic room from a family who owned a beautiful Victorian home on Orrington Avenue in Evanston. Another student had the larger of the two attic rooms. Our landlord and landlady couldn't have been nicer.
Those days seem like yesterday. I also have fond memories of the University of Chicago, where I later went to graduate school. When I saw the recent movie, "Proof," with Anthony Hopkins and Gwyneth Paltrow, I was happy to see all of the footage of the University of Chicago and Northwestern. I think this is a film you would enjoy.
I've only been to Madison one time. One Sunday in September 1972, I took my scuba diving test in Devils Lake. My friend and I stopped for pizza in Madison. We ask some students where a good pizzeria was, and we followed their advice. I'm glad we did.
Take care, Greta!
Your buddy,
George Spink
Los Angeles, CA

E-mail No. 2 — These next few e-mails relates to my colleague Steve Harrigan's demonstration of water-boarding interrogation:

I think you went too far with this story. You showed people exactly how to drown someone with this technique. I bet you gangs, bad guys, etc., will now use this technique since you showed them how easy it is to do. We will be reading stories of this happening in the near future, no doubt, some of this will be a direct result of your story. You went too far.
Disappointed FOX Fan,
Dale Short
Charlotte, NC

E-mail No. 3

Hi Greta,
What you showed on today's 'On the Record' was not water-boarding, but the Whitehouse 'spin' on what it they try to make it out as just basically pouring water on the victim's face and is therefore not torture.
Where do you think the term "water-boarding" came from? Here is a cartoon (apologies as I am not an artist) showing what is really involved. I saw a video of the French using it on Algerian prisoners.
No doubt FOX News will not allow my comment to be aired.
William McKain
Aberdeen, Scotland

E-mail No. 4

Greta, why don't you drop it already! You're getting just as bad as the NY Post! Honor your country — tell Steve to get a life to. You just opened a can of worms.
Mike Cibiras
New Port Richey, FL

ANSWER: I don't find getting information and learning to be a bad thing. When I get more information, I can reach informed opinions.

E-mail No. 5

Dear Greta,
Watching your Friday show, you were talking about the stolen Smart Cards in Tennessee. They're probably similar to the gift cards retailers sell, or the card keys in hotels, though I'd imagine they might hold more info.
Reprogramming one shouldn't be terribly difficult, nor should it be all that hard to make or acquire whatever device to do the programming — with gift cards many retailers do it right at checkout, and you'd know better then I about the hotels.
Worst case results depend on how the voting electronics are designed, and their software. If they use smart card master keys to get at or manipulate data, maybe you could fool the electronics into thinking you had a master.
If not, then one danger comes from the device talking to the smart card — the hardest part of hacking is often gaining access. Once they can talk to the voting device, maybe they can trick it; many of the PC security problems are/were caused by hackers finding ways to send unexpected (or too much) data — if you cause the software to malfunction/crash, then maybe some protection doesn't work, or you get further access, or you can damage stored data?

E-mail No. 6

I don't normally e-mail bloggers, but you asked for opinions on the election. I can hardly wait until it is over. Both the governor's race and the senate race in my state are hotly contested. The senate race in particular is being toted by some analysts as an indicator of which party will control the senate. I was out all say yesterday (Saturday). When I came home, there were six messages on my answering machine — five of them were computer generated messages from well known political figures espousing their support for a candidate. This morning I answered the phone and got one of the same messages that I deleted last night. I have been putting piles of flyers I receive in the mail in the recycle bin. I am looking forward to having smaller mail deliveries and a silent phone. In spite of my irritation, I will vote on Tuesday. I strongly feel that an individual has no right to complain if they don't vote.

E-mail No. 7

I will be so glad to return to ads for floor wax, vacuum sweepers and E.D. pills! It only one third of the things politicians say about each other is true, I know that's a stretch, but if only one third is true they all need to be indicted!
Lloyd Davidson
Lancaster, OH

E-mail No. 8

Hi Greta,
Don't you think, "Hair Wash" is an universal language? It's like the signs we have now. So no matter where you travel, you will understand what something is for, or saying.

ANSWER: You could be right, but for some reason it seems more like "someone got an idea" and everyone else decided to seize upon it... like Capri pants!

Finally, some articles that caught my attention:

Despite judge's pleas, killer remains behind bars

Bridgeport woman among plaintiffs in Cole lawsuit

Passenger missing from Carnival cruise ship

Tampa streets reopened after suspicious package report

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET