
A bus crash in the Sinai peninsula killed at least eight tourists Tuesday, some of them Israeli Arabs, police said. More than 30 others were believed wounded, some critically.

The crash happened in the town of al-Saada, about 240 miles southeast of Cairo, between the resort cities of Nuweiba and Taba in the Sinai.

Egypt has a history of serious bus and car crashes on its roads and highways, which are often poorly maintained or without stringent traffic regulations.

Dr. Said Eissa, the director of emergency services in south Sinai, said eight tourists were killed and 35 wounded.

Another police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said Israeli Arabs were among the victims.

The Sinai remains a popular destination for Israeli tourists despite a series of terror attacks that have occurred there in recent years.

CountryWatch: Egypt