
The following are excerpts from newspapers around the country on the vice presidential debate:

Detroit Free Press: "Neither Sarah Palin nor Joe Biden was a game-changer in the presidential race Thursday night. Both vice presidential candidates largely avoided some of their own worst tendencies — Biden to be too glib and long-winded, Palin to mangle her sentences on subjects she's unprepared for."

The Houston Chronicle: "Palin was poised and disciplined after a series of shaky performances on TV news interviews. Democrats who hoped for a nationally televised meltdown went away disappointed."

Philadelphia Inquirer: "As it turned out, Palin was more than able to clear the expectations hurdle during a 90-minute debate with Democrat Joseph R. Biden Jr. She was not as fluent in the details of government policy or foreign relations, but she was forceful - and folksy - as she sought to make a virtue of her inexperience."

Chicago Sun-Times: "The time Palin spent in debate boot camp probably helped, but she was still not convincing when she had to give detailed answers, or the answer wasn't in her study sheets."

The Dallas Morning News: "So, who won? On substance, the edge goes to Mr. Biden. On style, Ms. Palin eked out a close win, enormously magnified by the plain fact that she wasn't chased off the stage."

Los Angeles Times: "In the end, Biden left voters with a more constructive vision of the government and a more compelling case for how it has failed the nation under President Bush. Palin stumbled around the question of how much to embrace and how much to reject that failed administration. She insisted that she's part of a 'team of mavericks,' but said little about what that team would do. It was not a reassuring night."

Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal: "She killed. She had him at 'Nice to meet you. Hey, can I call you Joe?' She was the star. He was the second male lead, the good-natured best friend of the leading man. She was not petrified but peppy."

Sun-Sentinel: "Gov. Sarah Palin fooled us. This wasn't the same woman who wilted under the questioning of Katie Couric. She was folksy, stuck to the script and took the fight to both Barack Obama and Joe Biden. She and Biden even acted like they even liked each other. Both gave a spirited, fast talking conversation that was more entertaining than the first presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. But, (Joe) Biden won the Vice President Debate. It wasn't even close.

David Brooks, The New York Times: "Still, this debate was about Sarah Palin. She held up her end of an energetic debate that gave voters a direct look at two competing philosophies. She established debating parity with Joe Biden. And in a country that is furious with Washington, she presented herself as a radical alternative."