Easier to Make Scapegoats Than Sense

It'd be like me storming into a Ponderosa on buffet night and screaming at everyone in line, "Put the fork down and step away from the dessert station!" They'd take one look at me and just keep digging in. And who would blame them?

What's that they say about those who live in glass pancake houses? Don't even think of throwing sausages?

I mean, here you have President Obama coming to Wall Street this week to lecture them on financial accountability. This from the guy who's overseen the spending of trillions of dollars —preaching to bankers about not wasting billions of dollars. The very same man whose stimulus checks found their way to prison inmates all but treating his terrified listeners as if they already were inmates.

A president happy to say financiers had lost the public's trust, but refuse to acknowledge he has overseen blowing the public's entire trust fund.

Who said bankers needed to focus on products folks could understand, never once bringing up the myriad of programs and spending folks — to this day — cannot comprehend.

A leader attacking an industry for foisting mortgages on folks who didn't read the fine print, but never saying boo about a massive health care plan which its very advocates apparently didn't read at all.

What's galling about lecturing anyone on reform is refusing to reform yourself. To talk to anyone about paying money back, knowing full well you oversee a government that will only keep hitting them up.

Me? I'm fed up with politicians who'd sooner point fingers than look in a mirror. All I want to know is who polices these guys?

Who polices the police? The guys who oversaw this mess, whose very financial leaders in Congress swore Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were fine, when they weren't, and they weren't over-lending, when they were.

No, I guess it's easier to make scapegoats than sense.

Wall Street does need fixing, but it hardly should be coming from guys in an even deeper fix.

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