
Although he once played the reluctant "Hero" in a movie of the same name, Dustin Hoffman (search) wasted no time rushing to the aid of an allergic bee sting victim.

The Oscar-winning actor's real-life heroics occurred two weeks ago when a woman walking on the beach with friends was stung by a bee near his home in Malibu.

Lydia Graham began having an allergic reaction and a friend rushed to get help from the beach patrol and people nearby.

"I could feel my eyes starting to sting and swell and my lips starting to swell up as well," Graham said Tuesday on CBS's "The Early Show."

Hoffman and his wife, Lisa, were on deck chairs outside their home when they heard what happened. Hoffman's wife, who is also allergic to bee stings, retrieved an emergency injection kit from their home and the two rushed to the woozy Graham's aid.

After she began to recover they invited her to their deck to rest.

Graham, 36, said that as her throat was closing up she recognized a familiar face was on the sand with her.

"I did recognize that it was Dustin Hoffman but I was sure that ... I could possibly die," Graham said.