
Ralph Nader for President?

There may be a new effort to woo the man who has been called both a "political spoiler" and "maverick" into running for president one more time.

A job advertisement on the Des Moines Iowa Craigslist.com — the popular marketplace Web site — is calling for eight experienced organizers and 12 field interns living in Iowa and "committed to progressive change," for the Ralph Nader Democratic Caucus Draft Committee.

The ad offers $1,000 a week for the full time field organizers for 50 hours a week on the road. Field interns would get $15 an hour for 15 to 30 hours a week.

A similar ad by the draft movement in New Hampshire was "flagged for removal" by midday Wednesday.

Nader, who ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic primary for president in 1992, also ran for the White House three more times — as an independent in 2004 and on the Green Party ticket in 2000 and 1996.

A left-leaning activist who made his name fighting government corruption and pursuing consumer-friendly federal regulation in the 1960s and 1970s, Nader was shunned in each election by the Democratic establishment, which called him a "spoiler," for supposedly siphoning off votes from the Democratic nominee — particularly in the extremely close contest between Democrat Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000.

Nader has not publicly shown an interest in running for president again, though he has been consistently visible, speaking to audiences on a wide range of subjects, including his anti-Iraq war stance, corporate globalization and even Sen. Larry Craig's arrest in a Minnesota bathroom scandal. He is the subject of the 2007 documentary, "An Unreasonable Man."