This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," December 12, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.
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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: "Factor follow-up" segment tonight, authorities in Kansas still investigating the late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller, to see if he has violated state law about reporting the rapes of underaged girls.
Tiller will abort babies at any time up until birth, sometimes citing the depression of the mother as a medical reason.
Joining us now from Washington is Kelly. Got pregnant at age 13 in Maryland and had her fetus aborted by Tiller. OK, so you were 20 weeks pregnant when you brought the situation to your parents' attention, I understand. In the state of Maryland, you could not have an abortion that late, but your father and mother, I guess, decided to take you to Kansas, where Tiller advertises on the Net. Everybody knows who he is. He'll abort babies at any time. So your parents take you there. You go into the clinic. Pick it up from there.
KELLY, FORMER DR. TILLER PATIENT: Well, it was a five-day process. And when I first went in, they have counseling that they offered. It's a group counseling with other women that are going through the same thing. And during the five days, they insert expandable whatever into the cervix to slowly dilate you through the five-day process.
And about the third or fourth day Dr. Tiller came in and injected into the amniotic sack a saline solution, which suffocated and burned my baby to death. And on the last day they put you in a room with other women — there's, like, maybe six to 10 beds in a big room. And every woman is lying there. And they kind of go down the line and whatever's ready, you know, they decide that you're dilated enough and they put you in wheelchair and wheel you out to another room.
And in this other room there's basically a toilet, and they told me to sit on the toilet, lean on the nurse, and push, push my baby into a toilet. And after that they wheel you into another room, to remove all the, you know, afterbirth.
And really, that's the only two times I ever saw the doctor was when he injected the saline solution and when he finished the process by removing the afterbirth. And this is all very graphic, and I think that that's very important that people know that that's going on in our country.
O'REILLY: Sure. Absolutely. And I applaud your courage. Now, did the doctor say anything to you?
KELLY: No. I mean — you know, what I remember today is that no one ever said anything to me about what was going to happen during that five-day process or what was going to happen when I left that clinic or 10 years down the road what was going to happen.
O'REILLY: All right. But Tiller himself, when he injected the fetus with the killing agent and then when he took the afterbirth, he never said anything to you at all?
KELLY: "This will all be over soon."
O'REILLY: "This will all be over soon." What happened to the body?
KELLY: I have no idea. I left my baby dead in the toilet.
O'REILLY: All right. Then when you got out from after the process was over, you went where?
KELLY: After he had finished the process that day?
O'REILLY: Right.
KELLY: To a hotel room and then back home.
O'REILLY: So you just left the clinic right after you discharged the baby, the dead baby, and you put your coat on and went out to a hotel.
O'REILLY: How do you feel about that, the whole thing?
KELLY: I'm disgusted. I'm disgusted that women are told that they have a choice, yet no one tells us what that choice is or what that choice is going to do to us or to the baby, for that matter. I mean, very few people, I think, know that this is what happens. It's not just an easy solution. It just — it's not an answer to any problem. It just creates other problems.
O'REILLY: What happened to you after the abortion?
KELLY: Many things. I mean, I was traumatized, so I had lots of symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. I had very low self-esteem. I was promiscuous, I used drugs, I had eating disorders. Lots of horrible things.
And when I think that, you know, what would the worst-case scenario be, that I have my child? That would have been better than having gone through all of the affects of the depression, suicidal thoughts, all of that that happened afterwards.
O'REILLY: Now Kelly, don't beat yourself up. You were 13 years old, you were 14 when the abortion happened, you know. You know better now. You're courageous. You came on. You told the nation what's happening in Kansas. Very few people will do that. And you know, we appreciate your courage very much. Thank you.
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