
This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, June 4, 2002, that was edited for clarity. Click here for complete access to all of Neil Cavuto's CEO interviews.

Watch Your World w/Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Before September 11, no one much heard of InVision Technologies (INVN), a maker of airport explosives detectors. Its business was considered, at best, a niche and its prospects, at the very least, challenging. Then those terrorist attacks. Then all the interest in anything having to do with airport security.

Then this: This $2 stock becomes a nearly $50 superstar and though well off its highs, it's still 10 times what it was on September 10.

What are its prospects now? Let's ask its CEO, Dr. Sergio Magistri. Sergio, good to have you.

DR. SERGIO MAGISTRI, CEO, INVISION TECHNOLOGIES: Neil, thank you for having us on the show.

CAVUTO: Let me ask you about just the environment right now. Your stock is well off its highs because people say the progress and the changes in airports is going very slow. Is it?

MAGISTRI: No. We are making very good progress on the airports. Last year, we were doing one machine every 10 days. Today, we are doing one machine per day. The company has a backlog of $400 million.

CAVUTO: For all airports?

MAGISTRI: For all the airports. About one-fourth of that is international, the rest for the United States. And we are pushing forward as fast as possible.

CAVUTO: But is the problem the way Wall Street interprets it, that you can't make these fast enough?

MAGISTRI: No. I think that Wall Street sees that we are building up our capacity as planned. I think that Wall Street may have some doubts about the government plan or the deadline at the end of this year and what is going to happen thereafter.

CAVUTO: That's it. So when there is doubt about the government getting its act together there, there is doubt about you, right?

MAGISTRI: We have to understand that the government has a very, very difficult mission. They are making very good progress. But it is not easy to federalize airport security, put in enough equipment in one year.

CAVUTO: But now we hear there are ways around explosives, that maybe there are some that your machines would not detect. Is that true?

MAGISTRI: I would not disclose classified performance of our machine. I think that our machine is the golden standard, is used all over the world, 300 machines installed today, a lot of them used by Israel and El-Al because it is the best.

CAVUTO: So you are saying now you feel safer flying, you think people should feel safer flying. What if an airport does not have one of your systems? Should they feel safe leaving that airport?

MAGISTRI: Our machines aren't going in into all the airports, and I think that if I compare last year, last summer with now, we are really a lot safer. And as we move forward, we will be more and more safe.

CAVUTO: Do you think we could have another September 11?

MAGISTRI: I think that we can make it more and more difficult to have another September 11, but we cannot eliminate the possibility.

CAVUTO: Sergio Magistri, thank you very much. InVision Technologies is the company. He is the CEO.

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