
A story came out a little while ago that, quite honestly, I can't believe I missed, but someone sent it to me. It's about the "presidential assassination program," where "American citizens are targeted for killings far away from any battlefield, based exclusively on unchecked accusations by the executive branch that they're involved in terrorism."

There are allegedly "dozens of Americans" on this hit list who "pose a threat" to the United States. National Security Adviser John Brennan said this:


JOHN BRENNAN, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: There are, in my mind, dozens of U.S. persons who are in different parts of the world that are very concerning to us.


So, we just shoot them on the spot and don't worry about their Miranda rights as American citizens? Now if it were on the battlefield — fine, I get it. But away from the battlefield?

Let's refresh our memories on what this administration said they believed:

There's no terrorism, just "man-caused disasters"

Won't use the term ''enemy combatant''

Changed the War on Terror to "overseas contingency operation"

Brennan proclaimed that "jihadists" aren't the enemy:


BRENNAN: Our enemy is not terrorism, because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not terror, because terror is a state of mind and as Americans we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as jihadists or Islamists, because jihad is a holy struggle — a legitimate tenet of Islam meaning to purify oneself in one's community — and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.


This is from a president who talked about Arab-American families being rounded up off the streets:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process that threatens my civil liberties.


Obama campaigned on closing down Gitmo, because of all the horrors and atrocities being committed there. By the way, has anyone seen the story covered by Fox that Gitmo inmates are watching "Twilight" on brand new flat panel TVs? Sounds horrible, doesn't it?. But Obama said Gitmo had to be closed because it didn't line up with America's "values and ideals" — sitting around all day watching TV on the government's dime does seems to be the new American ideal, but I digress.

Obama promised, if elected, to end the Bush administration system of warrant-less wiretaps. He believed it was an affront to human rights if phone calls to terrorists were monitored.

But it's totally cool to just shoot Americans suspected of terrorism?

I'm a little confused; those values don't seem to line up. They're against the death penalty and they're against sending someone to prison without a trial, but pro-shooting American citizens without a trial? They claim to be pro-trial, but seem to be going against that. Is it possible they are trying to do to the court system what they've already done to Congress: Make it irrelevant?

Where are the people who are not playing politics? Where are there principles? What do they really believe in? We can disagree in America. But to disagree and have an honest debate, we need principles. Where does this administration actually stand? They'll tell you one thing and do the exact opposite.

I want to stop here for a second, because I guarantee you the lowlifes at George Soros' blogs like Media Matters have put down their "World of Warcraft 3" controllers and have rushed back to call me all kinds of names. We are so polarized now that it's an automatic reaction: If Glenn Beck brings it up it's a lie! But, I mentioned that someone sent me this story, which I hadn't seen originally. The quotes we used a moment ago were from the far left-site Salon.com and the segment I watched was from the ever-conservative MSNBC:


GLENN GREENWALD, SALON: Look at the controversies that were created during the Bush administration, when the president got caught spying on American citizens without warrant or trying to detain them without due process. Here you're talking about something far more extreme. You're talking about targeting American citizens for murder, for assassination, based merely on the allegation that they're involved in terrorism. No evidence, no charges, no trial — nothing.

DYLAN RATIGAN, MSNBC: His actions create a massive cognitive dissonance that actually allows him to get away with more than George W. Bush could when it comes to encroachments on civil liberties, facilitating theft from the American people or potentially calling you or me a terrorist and trying to have us killed.

GREENWALD: Well, I know that that's the fact...


I don't think I would have looked into this story if it had been reported on some GOP blog. But these guys are so in the bag for Obama, it bears investigating.

Assassinating American citizens without due process? What happened to Miranda rights? Even the ACLU expressed: "profound concern about recent reports indicating that you have authorized a program that contemplates the killing of suspected terrorists — including U.S. citizens — located far away from zones of actual armed conflict. If accurately described, this program violates international law and, at least insofar as it affects U.S. citizens, it is also unconstitutional."

Notice the ACLU says "if accurately described." We asked the White House if we are accurately describing the presidential assassination program and were told to call the CIA.

America, you are in trouble.

I am one of the strongest guys out there on terror and probably many people on the list are bona fide terrorists who — if I was on a jury to determine if they were terrorists or not — if they were, I'd probably vote to shoot them in the head. Call me a little nostalgic for the Constitution, but let's have that fair trial for American citizens first.

The president is worried about offending radical jihadists. He's very worried about Muslims getting randomly attacked on the streets and scooped up — which, I haven't seen. But I also see who is feared: The angry, racist Tea Parties.

In Missouri, a report was issued for state police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional Campaign for Liberty and Libertarian parties. The report categorized them as militia-influenced terrorists.

That's you with your "Don't Tread on Me" flag, gang.

The Vice President said this weekend that he wouldn't characterize the Tea Parties as racist, but there were members that have expressed really unfortunate comments and added:


VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Again, it was all over TV, all over your network, you know? A black congressman walking up the stairs of the Capitol.


There is zero evidence of that. Yet the administration and the media continue run with it. They're setting you up as the racist.

According to "Diversity Consultant" guest on CNN this weekend, Tea Party members are like Jews that served as guards in Nazi concentration camps:


T.J. HOLMES, CNN: There are African-American members of the Tea Party.



HILL: There are African-American members of the Tea Party.

VISCONTI: There were Jewish concentration guard camps. Weren't there? I mean, there were capos.

HOLMES: I don't want to make that connection there...


And they're chomping at the bit for the next Timothy McVeigh. The nut who flew the plane into the building a few months ago, they were eager to label him conservative, but he was far from it. In his manifesto he quotes Marx: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." How about the census worker's death? The media speculated it he was murdered by a conservative who had been influenced by me. But it was suicide.

Here are two headlines: "Neo-Nazis tied to militia patrols in Arizona"; "Tea Party rejects racist label; some concerns remain." They are trying to make you explode, to make you into a danger. But the ignore actual terrorists like ELF and ALF; eco-nuts who blew up a radio tower outside of Seattle. The media ignored that; I only knew about it because I was in Seattle when it happened.

It makes no sense. Why doesn't the president care that the Democrats are on the verge of getting trounced in the elections? Because the president is about to have unstoppable power, making Congress irrelevant.

Have you looked at the financial reform bill? Unelected bureaucrats will decide who to bail out and take over. In health care reform, Kathleen Sebelius' position is mentioned 155 times in the bill. She will call the shots.

Just like with Caesar, Congress is irrelevant. Did you know that in 2012, businesses will have to do a 1099 for any purchase over 600 bucks? It's a paperwork nightmare, especially for small businesses. A freelance artist buys a Mac, they've got to send the form to Apple. Was that in the financial or health care bill? Health care. Why? Power.

One branch has been eaten and the next branch is about to be. Without due process, our president can assassinate American citizens. We're not talking about the power to regulate or the power to tax, but the absolute power to kill.

I want to ask the question that stumped two politicians I was with this weekend: What is the definition of a dictator? Where is the line? They didn't seem to know the exact answer. I suggest we find it and quickly.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel