
And now the most telling two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine...
Secretary of Criticism

Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill (search), who was forced out of the Bush administration in 2002, has criticized the president on everything from his demeanor in Cabinet meetings to the war in Iraq this week. But these recent attacks contradict statements O'Neill made in a television interview just after his ouster. O'Neill told KDKA Television in Pittsburgh last January -- "I'm a supporter of the institution of the presidency, and I'm determined not to say any negative things about the president and the Bush administration. They have enough to do without having me as a sharpshooter"

Document Flap

Meanwhile, as Jim Angle reported, the Treasury Department is now considering investigating O'Neill over classified documents he displayed in a "60 Minutes" interview this weekend. O'Neill's co-author Ron Suskind (search) produced a pre 9/11 document, obtained by O'Neill and entitled "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oil Contracts," which Suskind claimed was a Pentagon plan for divvying up Iraq's oil fields after Saddam was deposed.

In fact, the document came from Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force, and was not a plan for post-war Iraq but rather a study of countries currently invested in Iraqi Oil.

Clinton Helping Clark?

The New York Post reports further evidence that Bill Clinton is actively working behind the scenes to ensure that retired general and fellow Arkansas resident Wesley Clark wins the Democratic nomination. The Post quotes an unnamed source as saying that Clinton is -- "personally involved" in the campaign effort and has quietly begun soliciting donations for Clark, who has been riding a recent wave of support in New Hampshire. Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton have formally stated their support for any Democratic candidate.

Cable Campaign Coverage

A new poll released by the Pew Research Center (search) reveals that more and more Americans are turning to cable networks for campaign news. Since 2000, the number of Americans who regularly get their political news from the traditional networks has dropped 10 percent, while 4 percent more adults now tune into cable for campaign coverage. Though local TV remains the most popular source of information among Americans of all ages, adults under 30 now rely on cable networks more than any other outlet for the latest election news.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report