
Farrah Fawcett's doctor is debunking claims made by Fawcett's son, Redmond O'Neal, that the cancer-stricken actress weighs 86 pounds.

Lawrence Piro told Us Magazine that he weighed the actress a week ago, and "she was 101 pounds," which he calls "a reasonable weight" given her condition.

Piro says Fawcett is "continuing to eat as much as she can, and we're continuing to have a good array of nutritious food offerings so she can do that."

Her son made the 86-pound claim in open court last week while begging a judge for leniency in relation to his arrest on drug-related charges. O'Neal is still in jail.

Fawcett was released from a Los Angeles hospital on April 9 after returning from Germany where she underwent procedures to treat a recurrence of anal cancer that was first diagnosed in 2006.

"She's continuing to fight the battle," Prio tells Us.

MORE: Go to USMagazine.com for the full report.