
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Potty Mouth

Florida Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson is catching heat from his own party after calling Linda Robertson, an adviser to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, a "K Street whore." K Street is a traditional address for many lobbyist offices here in D.C.

New Jersey Democrat Bill Pascrell tells the Politico: "There's no call for that language... that's absurd."

New York Democrat Anthony Weiner says: "Is this news to you that this guy's one fry short of a Happy Meal?"

And Nevada Democrat Dina Titus dubbed Grayson's remarks, "a bit extreme and rather sexist."

Grayson heeded the criticism, and apologized late in the day, saying in a statement: "I offer my sincere apology to Linda Robertson... I did not intend to use a term that is often, and correctly, seen as disrespectful of women."

Despite the outcry from Democrats, the White House is not rushing to distance itself from Grayson. At a Monday night fundraiser, President Obama called Grayson an "outstanding member of Congress."

Friendly Fire

A Republican lawmaker that candidate Obama once touted as a supporter and ally, now says the president is playing petty politics. Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn writes on political Web site RealClearPolitics: "Why... on the eve of the most important domestic policy debate in a generation, are the president's advisers talking about Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News?"

Coburn says the administration's fight with Fox is not consistent with candidate Obama's call to take the smallness out of politics, adding: "The Barack Obama I know and worked with in the Senate is capable of so much more."

He says the White House has the right to continue "juvenile and crass partisan strategies," but urges the president to "go back to attacking problems rather than personalities."

Park It

California's first lady has been caught in another traffic violation.

Entertainment Web site TMZ posted video of Maria Shriver parked illegally in a red zone after leaving her SUV unattended for almost an hour. Shriver apologized saying: "I regret that I made a mistake. I take responsibility for it."

Lucky for her, the video shows Shriver putting down a cell phone before driving away. Two weeks ago video surfaced of Shriver breaking the state's hands-free driving law.

Running on Empty

As of tonight, there are still no candidates on next week's mayoral or town council ballots in the town of Spencer Mountain, North Carolina. It has only 29 registered voters and election officials say they are hoping for some write-ins.

Back in 2007, only four people showed up to vote and we're told they all voted for themselves.

Fox News Channel's Megan Dumpe-Kenworthy contributed to this report.