
Howard Dean (search) holds a double-digit lead over rival John Kerry (search) in a New Hampshire poll of likely voters in the state's Democratic presidential primary.

Dean had the support of 33 percent to Kerry's 19 percent in the Franklin Pierce College poll (search) conducted Oct. 13-15. The two essentially were tied in July in the last Franklin Pierce survey.

In several recent New Hampshire polls, Dean, the former Vermont governor, has had leads ranging from 6 percentage points to double digits over Kerry, the Massachusetts senator.

In the latest poll, Wesley Clark (search) was at 7 percent, Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt (search) 4 percent, North Carolina Sen. John Edwards (search) 4 percent and Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman (search) 3 percent.

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich (search) had the support of 1 percent, and Carol Moseley Braun (search) and Al Sharpton were at 0 percent.

The poll of 600 Democrats and independents had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

The New Hampshire primary is Jan. 27.