
Some of the deadliest militant attacks in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003:

— Aug. 14, 2007 — Four homicide truck bombs detonate simultaneously in the small village of Qahataniya, killing more than 500 Yazidis, a Kurdish-speaking sect and religious minority.

— Nov. 23, 2006 — Mortar rounds and five car bombs kill 215 people in Baghdad's Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City.

— April 18, 2007 — At least 183 are killed when four large bombs explode in mainly Shiite locations of Baghdad.

— March 2, 2004 — Coordinated blasts from homicide bombers, mortars and planted explosives strike Shiite Muslim shrines in Karbala and in Baghdad, killing at least 181 people.

— Sept. 14, 2005 — More than a dozen coordinated bombings rip through Baghdad, killing 178 people.

— July 7, 2007 — A homicide truck bomb kills 160 in a Turkomen village south of Kirkuk.

— Oct. 25, 2009 — Two powerful car bombs explode in downtown Baghdad, killing at least 155 people in an apparent attempt to target the fragile city's government offices.

— Feb. 3, 2007 — A homicide truck bomber at a market in a predominantly Shiite area of Baghdad kills 137.

— Aug. 19, 2009 — homicide bombers hit the Finance and Foreign ministries, killing more than 100 people.