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Welcome to cable, Mr. Rather.

I'm not going to even pretend he didn't know what he was doing when he decided to come on the Cavuto show yesterday and tell David Asman again that CBS was dumbing down and tarting up the "Evening News."

I'm not going to pretend he didn't know what he was doing when he seemed to be giving America's sweetheart, Katie Couric, a sexist elbow.

I'm not going to pretend Dan Rather didn't just love it when CBS President Les Moonves and "Evening News" executive producer Rick Kaplan fired back with both barrels. And we won't pretend Mr. Rather wasn't absolutely delighted when he got to fire back at them this morning.

Why don't we pretend these things?

Because Dan Rather doesn't occupy the lofty heights of the "CBS Evening News" anymore. He's on HDTV. Heard of that? It's up there on the satellite selector somewhere around the Do-It-Yourself Network and Spike or Splash or, well, you know, it's up there.

It's a crowded field and while the old Dan Rather — when he was younger — couldn't be bothered with the weirdness of cable channels, the new Dan Rather — that's the older one — has to get on the air and make some news any way he can. Otherwise people might forget about him.

Anybody here think Dan wasn't planning a Katie bomb when he came on Cavuto's show yesterday? Oh come on, you don't really think he didn't know what he was doing.

Look, it's a crowded field out there. You have to break through. Why do you think I like ticking off somebody every once in a while just for drill? We all do these things from time to time to cause a little trouble and get people talking. Hey, did you hear what that bozo Gibson said? Hey, did you hear what Rather said about Katie?

OK, cable secrets. I wasn't supposed to tell, but I did. My bad.

But it's nice to see Dan in the pool with the rest of us. We all love water fights with former network icons.

That's My Word.

Watch John Gibson weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on "The Big Story" and send your comments to: myword@foxnews.com

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