
This partial transcript from The Edge with Paula Zahn, July 9, 2001 was provided by eMediaMillworks.

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ANNE MARIE SMITH, ALLEGES AFFAIR WITH CONDIT:  I was concerned when I  found out about her disappearance.  I was very concerned for my own safety.   I didn't stay in my own hotel rooms on my layovers.  I moved to a place  where nobody knows my address, nobody knows my phone number.  Basically, I  put myself in self-imposed exile.  But it's -- I was very scared.


PAULA ZAHN, HOST:  We are back now discussing the Chandra Levy case.  Joining us  now from Seattle is the attorney representing the flight attendant who says  Gary Condit asked her to lie about their alleged affair, Jim Robinson.

Welcome to The Edge.


ZAHN:  What was your client so afraid of?

ROBINSON:  There's already a missing girl and she didn't want to be  the second one. 

ZAHN:  Was there something Mr. Condit had said to her that made her  feel threatened about her own personal safety?

ROBINSON:  Near the end of their relationship, things started to  really disturb Anne Marie.  She found what she believed to be Chandra's  hair in his bathroom.  She saw other things that -- of a sexual nature that  she had nothing to do with and was wondering what in the -- what in the  world is going on.  And then this woman disappears.  She was terrified,  yes.

ZAHN:  Can you elaborate for us when she said she discovered things of  a sexual nature that made her nervous?  What do you mean by that?

ROBINSON:  Well, apparently, there were ties, neckties tied together  and tied underneath the bed as if someone had been tied up in bed.  And  that had never happened to my client before.  And apparently, Mr. Condit  made a joke about it, just brushed it off.  And she told me that she was  very afraid for her life at that point. 

ZAHN:  Just seeing these ties wrapped around the bedpost or was there  something else that happened that night that made her nervous?

ROBINSON:  She was very concerned about Mr. Condit's veracity near the  end of the relationship.

ZAHN:  Now did the relationship solely end because she suspected he  was involved with another woman.  Was there something else involved here?

ROBINSON:  Well, the relationship the last time they saw each other  was actually in April.  She didn't actually stop talking to Congressman  Condit until about a week and a half ago.  You know, I'm sitting here in  Seattle.  Anne Marie is from Seattle but she is living now in San  Francisco.  She called me.  It's very difficult for an attorney to deal  with a client 800 miles away.  I had to get her here before I got the whole  story.  And Abbe Lowell then called me after the affidavit incident and  accused my client of contacting Congressman Condit.  I called Anne Marie  and said, "What in the world is going on?"  She said, "That's absolutely  not true.  I'm simply returning his phone call."  So I said, "What is he  calling you about?"  She says, "He's trying to get me to fire you and get  me to sign that false affidavit."  The man suborned perjury flat out.

ZAHN:  All right, Jim, can you clarify something for us this evening,  because according to Abbe Lowell's office, when that affidavit was sent not  through his office by another office, I might add, Mr. Cotchett, who  previously represented Mr. Condit, there apparently they said was a cover  letter that said that Ms. Smith was capable of adding anything she wanted  or deleting anything that wasn't not true.  Did that cover letter exist?

ROBINSON:  That's not quite true.  There is a paragraph at the top  that said, "If you want to make any corrections," et cetera, you know,  "feel free."  It's common for attorneys to have those kinds of documents e- mailed back and force so I can download it into Word, make you know, change  in a date or whatever.  In fact, in this case, they misspelled Anne.  Her  name is spelled A-n-n-e.  They had A-n-n.  So it's just a common practice.   I didn't think anything of it at the time till I got down to paragraph  five.  And paragraph five is the direct opposite of the truth.

ZAHN:  All right, let's come back to the last time your client  describe that she was in Mr. Condit's apartment.  You said she discovered  what was long hair and then what appeared to be some sort of -- perhaps  something indicative of something sadomasochistic that had happened in this  apartment.  What else did Anne Marie tell you about that?

ROBINSON:  She found a new bottle of massage oil that had been used,  that she never used around her.  She also knew that the congressman's wife  had not been around for quite some time and all kinds of different things.

ZAHN:  All right, so is she --  I've got to make sure I understand  this this evening.  I mean, other than -- people have all kinds of sexual  practices.  This obviously was something that she wasn't comfortable with.   Was there something else that she described about his behavior that she  found intimidating or threatening in some way?  Or was it the veracity of  what you described as a lack of veracity that was exposed here?

ROBINSON:  I really don't want to get in specifically because I've  been asked by criminal investigators not to, but apparently, Congressman  Condit had some peculiar sexual fantasies that a normal heterosexual man  does not have.  That's her testimony, not mine.  And we've been asked not  to talk about that specifically but you know...

ZAHN:  All right, and Jim, I'm obviously not in a position where I can  verify this at this point.  There are people, as you know, who are out  there saying, "OK, Mr. Robinson just left his law practice.  He's trying to  get himself some new clients here. What can you say to them tonight to  prove that you're not just fishing for some publicity here and what you're  saying is the truth?

ROBINSON:  Paula, I went back to law school after being an investment  banker and being a very successful investment banker for 20 years.  I went  back for a specific case.  That case is now taken care of.  I'm now going  back into investment banking and I'm taking on this case for Anne Marie.   And it's my only case right now.  I'm pro bono on it.  I don't want to do  this for a living.  But you know, I've been around the block.  I've been on  Wall Street.  I was an officer in the Marine Corps, and I was talking to  Anne Marie last night, and I said, "Did you call me because of the fact  that I'm a good attorney or I'm an ex-Marine?"  And she said, " I think ex- Marine would be more accurate."

ZAHN:  I can only give you 10 seconds now.  Are you saying if I read  between the lines tonight that you think Congressman Condit had something  to do with Chandra Levy's disappearance?

ROBINSON:  I believe so. 

ZAHN:  And in what way?

ROBINSON:  His wife was in Washington, D.C.  She's normally not.  I  think that that may have been a ploy to keep Chandra away from his  apartment so that whatever happened could happen.   It's my pure  speculation that, you know -- it's just a very odd set of circumstances.   The man has asked my client to suborn perjury.  I don't trust him.

ZAHN:  All right, Jim Robinson, we're going have to leave it there.    That's a very serious allegation you made.  And we're going to have to do  our best through the rest of this broadcast to find someone who can verify  any of what you've just said this evening.  We appreciate you joining us  tonight.

ROBINSON:  Thank you.

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