
Our guests this week:

• Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.
• Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter
• National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley
• Olympic gold medalist Joey Cheek, Team Darfur
Alex Ovechkin, Washington Capitals

The Pennsylvania primary is just over a week away and a win in this state will mean everything to either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama. What does Senator Clinton need to do to put the Keystone state in her column? Has Senator Obama been able to build enough momentum to pull off a victory? We’ll sit down with Obama co-chair and former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and a top Clinton supporter Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter — only on "FOX News Sunday."

Then, the Olympic flame ignited controversy this week against China's human rights record with calls for President Bush to boycott the opening ceremonies in Beijing. What is the United States’ role in China-Tibet relations? And should the U.S. boycott the games? We’ll talk with the President’s National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and Olympic Gold Medalist Joey Cheek.

Plus, all three presidential candidates performed on "American Idol," but which one looks like the winner in November? Joining us will be Brit Hume, Washington managing editor of FOX News; Mara Liasson of National Public Radio; Bill Kristol of Tthe Weekly Standard, and Juan Williams of National Public Radio.

And, our Power Player of the Week brings the buzz of ice hockey back to Washington. We’ll sit down with Washington Capitals’ record-breaking left wing Alex Ovechkin, only on "FOX News Sunday."

So check your local listings and we'll see you on the next "FOX News Sunday."