
Having just ended a 40-day fast to show support for Michael Jackson (search), comedian Dick Gregory says he's resolved to do what it takes to prove his friend is innocent of child molestation charges.

Gregory, the 71-year-old entertainer-activist, says he has known Jackson for more than 20 years.

"I would leave a child of mine with him, sure I would," Gregory said in a telephone interview from his hotel room in Alexandria, Va.

"If you had a choice between leaving a child with him or Crocodile Dundee, who would you pick?" Gregory said, referring to television's "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin, (search) who was videotaped recently holding his month-old son while hand-feeding a crocodile.

For the past 40 days, Gregory, who lives in Plymouth, lived on a daily diet of a gallon of water mixed with eight lemons, and a cup and a half of maple syrup. His weight dropped from 159 pounds down to 124 pounds.

To further show his support for Jackson, Gregory planned to head for Los Angeles on Wednesday, where he hoped to encourage fans the world over to hold vigils and prayer ceremonies in the singer's support.

"If you believe he's innocent, then join us in the prayer vigil and pray that the truth will come out," Gregory said.

Gregory said when he started the fast, his doctors were worried because he had just overcome lymphoma that invaded his lower stomach, upper lung and spleen.

Jackson, 45, was arrested on Nov. 20 and booked for investigation of child molestation by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department.