
Three middle school football coaches were suspended from teaching and lost their coaching jobs a week after a 12-year-old player was hospitalized as a result of a school football tradition.

Garret Drogosch spent four days in a hospital after he was attacked by fellow players during practice in a tradition called "eighth-grade hit day." His right leg was broken in two places, and he had other injuries that caused major blood loss, his parents said.

The coaches were suspended from their teaching jobs at Meads Mill Middle School (search) on Thursday for three days without pay.

The action came a day after five football coaches were barred from the athletic program at Mepham High School (search) in Bellmore, N.Y., following a hazing (search) scandal there. In that case, three players have been charged with sodomizing freshmen teammates with a broomstick, pine cones and golf balls at a preseason training camp.

No action has been taken against the Detroit-area players. Northville police investigated, but Chief John Werth said he does not consider the incident hazing and doubts criminal charges will be filed.