
Vice President Dick Cheney (search) got an A-OK from his physicians at George Washington University Medical Center after a yearly routine physical Friday morning.

Cheney was given noninvasive tests that included a physical exam, an electrocardiogram, an echocardiogram and a stress test. The vice president's cardiac status remains stable; his implantable cardioverter defibrillator (search), an ICD, which is working fine, neither detected nor treated any arrhythmia (search) or irregular heartbeat. His exercise capacity continues to be excellent and his stress test is unchanged, his spokeswoman reported.

"The vice president's cardiac status remains stable; his (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) neither detected nor treated any arrhythmia; his exercise capacity continues to be excellent; and his stress test is unchanged," said Cheney spokeswoman Jennifer Mayfield.

The vice president will have a colonoscopy and a screening test for vascular disease later this month.

Cheney has had four heart attacks, and a pacemaker was placed in his chest in June 2001. The device is designed to activate automatically if needed to regulate the patient's heartbeat.

Not slowed by the examination, the vice president returned to the White House to resume his daily schedule and had scheduled a visit to sign the condolence book at the British Embassy following Thursday's terror bombings in London.

FOX News' Kelly Chernenkoff and The Associated Press contributed to this report.