
A bride-to-be who wanted to get out of a date with a man she met on a phone chat line sent officers on a wild chase when she faked her abduction, police said.

Sara White, 20, was charged Wednesday with a misdemeanor charge of abusing emergency dispatch services for telling authorities she had been hit on the head and dragged into the trunk of a car while sitting in a Sacramento park.

White said she concocted the story Monday after changing her mind about meeting the man, with whom she'd been talking on the phone for two weeks.

"Basically, it was the only thing I could think of," she said.

The man called authorities, who dispatched 60 officers to search for her.

White continued the lie when officers called her cell phone. At one point, she described being taken to a white house with green trim — her home, where police found her when they became suspicious of her story.

"We told her to hang on, that we are going to save her," said Sacramento police Sgt. Matt Young. "And all this time she is sitting in her living room."

White, who spent two nights in jail after her arrest Monday night, said she feels bad about lying to the police. Her engagement is still on, and she plans to get married in April.