WASHINGTON – President Bush (search) is reaching out to congratulate California's new governor-elect, movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger (search), after his stunning victory in the state's historic recall election.
Bush planned to call Schwarzenegger sometime Wednesday morning, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.
"The president looks forward to working with Governor-elect Schwarzenegger," McClellan said.
Officials also left open the possibility that Bush would meet with Schwarzenegger next week in California. The president is expected to make two fund-raising stops there next Wednesday for his re-election campaign before he heads to Tokyo, the first stop on an Asian trip.
Asked what Bush, a former governor, thought of the chaotic process that replaced Democratic Gov. Gray Davis (search) with Republican Schwarzenegger, McClellan answered: "He said it was interesting to observe from a political standpoint. ... The people of California have spoken."