
President Bush on Thursday said America's military "is making a significant difference" for tsunami (search) victims, despite demands by Indonesia that foreign troops leave the ravaged Aceh province (search) by the end of March.

"There's a lot of talk about how some in the world don't appreciate America," Bush said. "I can assure you that those who have been helped by our military appreciate America."

He spoke with reporters briefly at the Pentagon after a briefing on the war against terror and U.S. relief efforts in South Asia.

"Our military is making a significant difference in providing relief and aid and help and compassion for those who have suffered," said Bush, who was flanked by Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. "I am very impressed, Mr. Secretary, with how quickly we have responded and the assets you have ordered deployed to help these people."

After the briefing with his top national security advisers, which lasted more than an hour, Bush greeted more than 50 members of various branches of the armed services, who cheered his visit to the Pentagon.

"We're constantly reviewing our strategy as to how to defeat the enemy," Bush said. "We fully recognize that the war on terror will require a coordinated effort within our own government as well as a coordinated efforts with countries around the world, which understand the stakes of this war."

Bush, who did not answer questions, said he has been pleased with the help the United States is receiving in fighting terror "mindful of the fact that we have constantly got to review our plans and never lose our will."