
The eldest son of British Prime Minister Tony Blair was discharged from a hospital on the Caribbean island of Barbados on Friday after being treated for a stomach ailment, officials said.

Euan Blair, 22, was admitted to a hospital while vacationing with his family in the former British colony, Blair's office said without gave no further details. A spokeswoman, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with official policy, said Blair's son had later been discharged.

Tony Blair returned to work in London on Friday.

Euan Blair is expected to attend Yale University in the United States this year. He has completed an undergraduate degree course in ancient history at Bristol University in England.

In May, he left an internship with U.S. Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat, after just a few weeks. He also had interned for U.S. Rep. David Dreier, a California Republican, and the House Rules Committee.

Euan Blair, one of the prime minister's four children, has attracted considerable media attention in England. He was arrested in 2000 when police found him drunk in central London after celebrating the end of school exams.