
Next Week on “DaySide”

We have some special interviews lined up for next week, including: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (search), on her new book, "American Heroines: The Spirited Women who Shaped Our Country" (We will have copies to give away to our studio audience!); Seth Mnookin on his new book, "Hard News: The Scandals at The New York Times and Their Meaning for American Media"; and Ollie North on his new book, "War Stories II."

Feel free to e-mail me comments about any or all of these books: dayside@foxnews.com. I'm particularly curious to hear your opinions of The New York Times (search). It's easy to say it's a liberal newspaper, but I'd like you to get a little more specific. It will make for good discussion with Seth Mnookin.

We're working on some other stories as well, including a story out of Bay City, Michigan (search) where the director of a public library is asking police to JAIL people who continuously fail to return library books. A little severe maybe? But consider this — at one libary in Bay City, people keep an average of $25,000 in overdue books and materials EACH YEAR! Seems that sending "overdue" notices doesn't work, nor does cutting off people's library privileges. Hmm.

Have a great weekend—


Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET