
Clint, Vin, some kids and a friend at the movies this weekend shining brightly under The Foxlight.

Clint Eastwood is getting old -- so it's kind of funny his new movie is called Blood Work. This isn't about his own lab tests, it's another Clint as ruffled cop -- actually this time an FBI agent -- who gets a heart transplant. It makes his day.

Vin Diesel says XXX is a franchise and will have a few sequels. Whoa there, tattoo boy, this one has to be a hit first. And frankly, none of the action in the rest of the movie lives up to the incredible avalanche sequence. Critics are mixed -- but not shaken or stirred -- since this is supposed to be the new James Bond.

Maybe Vin could use a little help from The Spy Kids. They're back in a mostly amusing and completely ove-the-top sequel.

Finally, Jennifer Aniston seems to shine in smaller movies, rather than big ones. Her underrated Office Space from a few years back is a great example. And here's another one. A small gem called The Good Girl about a small town gal just trying to make a buck at the local discount store. The raves she's getting are deserved, even if she is telling everyone she hates the jeans she wore because they made her look too big.