
No Cheers for Woody

Actor Woody Harrelson, bidding to become the angry young version of Alec Baldwin, has praised musician George Michael, who has taken considerable heat for recording a vehemently anti-American and anti-British C.D.

Says Harrelson, "The war against terrorism is terrorism. The whole thing is just bullsh*t."

Words of Hate

A handful of online Web logs have been drawing attention to a Web site, which I will not mention by name, that purports to provide religious instruction to young Muslims. Recent postings on the site extol the glories of killing Americans and Jews.

Here's an excerpt of a post about the thrill of murder: "when u DO i.then DO it soo badly that he spits out blood and and starts crying really badly...lets make this more freaky....hey CUT his head off .... i mean like not FAST....i mean cut it in a SLOW MOTION....and let him shout ...cry....and do anything he wants lol."

Subscribers also can view videos of jihadists beheading victims and can find lists of potential assassination targets in America. The page is registered to a man who lives in Staten Island.

We Report… You Decide

Paul Bedard of US News reports that Medicaid, to the surprise of its own administrator, pays for penile implants -- with all the machinery involved -- and that taxpayers over the last five years have spent nearly $20 million on nearly 32,000 such operations.

A congressional aide tells Bedard the trend is likely to continue, calling the issue "too hot to handle."