
Let's check out some political stories we found Below the Fold:

All the News Fit to Correct

There is no truth to the rumor that the New York Times intends to transform its corrections column into a daily section. But last week's papers featured some whoppers.

The Times admitted that it wrongly attributed to Vice President Dick Cheney the claim that Saddam Hussein's government was a house of cards and further wrongly asserted that the vice president had predicted a shorter than expected collapse of Saddam's regime.

It also admitted that it had misquoted Lt. General William Wallace in an April 1 news story. The wrong quote -- which originally appeared in a Washington Post story: "The enemy we're fighting is different than the one we war-gamed against."

That quote set off hundreds of stories about friction between field commanders and Gen. Tommy Franks. The controversy evaporated when the true quote became known: "the enemy we're fighting is a bit different than the one we war-gamed against."

Oddly, the paper got the quote right in a March 28 piece.