
An Iowa bank robber clearly couldn't count straight — he left with less money than he came in with.

Des Moines police say a man entered an Iowa Savings Bank (search) branch at the end of the day Monday and asked for change for a $20 bill, according to the Des Moines Register.

He made clear he wanted the cash as 10 $1 bills and two fives, and the clerk started counting out the notes.

She'd just finished giving him the ones when he suddenly opened a plastic bag and demanded she give him all the money she had.

But since he didn't display a weapon, or even say he had one, the teller simply refused.

The man repeated his demand.

"She said 'no' again," Senior Police Officer Jason Halifax said, "and he left."

He also left two $5 bills sitting on the counter, meaning he was out 10 bucks for his trouble.

The reverse robber was described as an average-sized male in his 20s, wearing black clothing, a blue stocking cap, a wig and a fake tattoo on his left cheek.

"He apparently didn't want his change back," Halifax said.

— Thanks to Out There readers James R., Will K. and Jeff B.

Four-Wheel Frolicking Leads to Car-Crash Cover-Up

Georgia authorities say an amorous young couple's attempted automotive copulation caused a car crash, and then a cover-up.

Newton County sheriff's deputies found a flipped-over Honda Civic on a Covington, Ga., road one Friday night last month, reports The Citizen of Covington.

Next to the car was Joshua David Correll, 22, who, despite smelling of alcohol, said he'd fallen asleep at the wheel while driving home alone.

But a witness to the crash said at least three other people had been at the scene — one of them a naked woman — and that the foursome had talked about getting their "stories straight."

While sheriff's deputies questioned the witness, a truck pulled up containing Chastity Collins, 22, and Christopher Thomas Meeks, 27, who both asked if Correll was OK.

Collins, who kept dabbing at a bloody nose as she talked with the deputies, insisted she'd been home all night.

But Meeks, who turned out to be Correll's brother, didn't keep his story straight. He told the cops he'd been following Correll and Collins home from a bar, had lost track of them and then later found their car overturned.

Correll himself finally filled in the details for authorities while recovering at the hospital. He admitted that Collins had taken off her clothes and climbed onto his lap while he was driving, blocking his view of the road and causing the crash.

Correll, Meeks, Collins and the fourth person, Jeremy Scott Day, 28, were charged with obstruction of justice. Correll got a DUI charge as well, while Collins was charged with obstructing a driver's view.

— Thanks to Out There reader Nancy B.

Fast-Moving Fondler Meets Felon-Busting Fondlee

A bike-riding fondler picked the wrong bottom to grab, reports WRTV-TV of Indianapolis.

Indianapolis police say Aloysius Roselle, 29, was cycling on a downtown sidewalk last month when he reached out and touched someone — a woman who happened to be a deputy county probation officer.

Even worse for him, a cop happened to be watching, gave chase and caught the touchy-feely two-wheeler.

"He picked the wrong victim and the wrong time today," said Officer Mike Wilson.

Roselle faces a felony charge of sexual battery and a charge of resisting arrest.

Here's Some Music for You, Honey

HENDERSON, Texas (AP) — A man set up a bubble bath for his wife, complete with candles and music, then tried to electrocute her by pushing a radio into the tub, authorities say.

William Joseph Wolfe, a 34-year-old emergency room nurse, was arrested Thursday on charges of attempted murder and freed on $40,000 bail.

"This is a strange case," said Henderson Chief of Police Randy Freeman. "It's the kind of case you would expect to see on a 'Columbo' episode."

Teresa Wolfe told police her husband had moved the radio from its usual place in the bathroom to a bench near the bathtub, with an extension cord running into another room.

She said she caught the radio before it hit the water and threw it out of the way. She told police that her husband's reaction was "not normal," became suspicious and later discovered that he had visited Web sites on their home computer dealing with bathtub electrocution.

According to authorities, Wolfe bought a life insurance policy on his wife five months ago.

"Mr. Wolfe has been a very good employee," said Henderson Memorial Hospital (search) Director of Human Resources Maria Stephens, "and we are shocked at what has happened."

Wolfe could get up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

— Thanks to Out There reader Melissa S.

Never Enough Uses for a Ham Sandwich

BEAUMONT, Texas (AP) — A courthouse security officer testified Wednesday that a defendant was able to attack a witness in court by disabling his shock belt with a ham sandwich.

Officer Kent May's testimony came in the punishment phase of Kiheem Grant's aggravated robbery trial in a Beaumont state district court.

Grant's trial was disrupted Tuesday when he attacked the woman as she left the witness stand. The woman suffered minor injuries in the attack before Grant was subdued. Jurors later returned a guilty verdict against him.

May said today that his investigation found that Grant inserted the sandwich between a battery and a belt electrode during a lunch break. That left the belt ineffective when the judge tried to trigger it during the attack.

Jefferson County Sheriff's Captain Leo Goldberg says Grant was wearing the belt because of concerns he might turn violent.

Grant faces charges in two other robberies and is accused of murder in a separate case. Prosecutors say he could face a retaliation charge for the courtroom assault.

— Thanks to Out There reader April W.

Mealtime Emergency

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. (AP) — Police in the Binghamton, N.Y., area were looking for an ambulance thief who may have been in a hurry to grab a bite to eat.

A 1999 Ford ambulance vanished from outside a Johnson City hospital emergency room early Sunday morning. It had been left running for about seven minutes when the crew discovered someone had driven it away.

It took local police almost four hours to find the hard-to-conceal vehicle. It turned up in the parking lot of an all-night diner in Binghamton — about four miles away from the ER.

Police said nothing was taken and the thief had left the key in the ignition.

They suggested that ambulance companies review their procedures and not leave keys in unattended vehicles.

Free-Gas Guzzlers Win 'Duh' Award of Week

PITTSFIELD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — You can pump, but you can't hide. Some motorists in Michigan have found out the hard way that you can't just gas and go.

They discovered that because of a computer glitch they could swipe their drivers' licenses instead of credit cards to gas up for free at the pumps outside the (search) chain.

A total of 107 people figured it out, many of them students from nearby colleges in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor.

In some cases people got as many as 15 fill-ups over a three-week period. Meijer got hosed for thousands.

But it turns out the information from each transaction with a drivers' license was stored on a central computer and police are tracking down the culprits.

Compiled by Foxnews.com's Paul Wagenseil.

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