
Are you ready for universal health care?

Lawmakers keep telling us how much better countries like Britain, Canada and France have it. But here's the one thing no one has the guts to tell you: America's health care is much better than Europe's.

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Critics of our current system love to vilify the evil private corporations: "All they care about is the bottom line!" The funny thing is, when there is a bottom line, the quality tends to improve.

I mean, which is better: private school or public school? Private bathrooms or public bathrooms? Private health care or public health care?

Obviously private is better, but for those brainwashed by Washington's lies, here are just a few ways in which our health care system is vastly superior to those oh-so-forward-thinking, progressive countries we're apparently desperate to become:

Americans have a better survival rate for 13 of the 16 most common cancers than Europe. Take prostate cancer: 91.9 percent of men live through it, versus 73.7 percent in France and just 51.1 percent in Britain.

Or that every year Britain's National Health Service cancels about 100,000 operations. Think of it this way: When you're counting on a procedure that means life or death, you don't want to have some bureaucratic bonehead who's only counting dollars and cents. And you certainly don't want to be standing in a long line, like the one million Brits currently waiting to be admitted to a hospital and another 200,000 just hoping to get on a waiting list.

We get annoyed when it takes 45 minutes to see the doctor — at least we get to see one!

And are we really going to listen to and follow in the footsteps of Europe, the place that when it gets a little hotter than usual — like it did in August of 2003 — they have 37,000 people die?

Statistics show it's even worse in Canada, where 800,000 of their 33 million citizens are on waiting lists for more than 18 weeks — which is twice as long as doctors consider "clinically reasonable." Put it in perspective. That's like having every single person in Los Angeles, Chicago and Seattle — over 7 million Americans — who would be on waiting lists.

Why is this happening in Canada? Simple: doctor shortages.

Apparently Canadian medical school graduates don't want to make 42 percent of what ours do, so they just work in America.

What else is coming to America? How about tens of thousands of patients a year, including Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. If that socialized medicine is so good then why did he have his 2006 heart surgery at America's Cleveland Clinic, instead of staying at home?

Before we trash our current system and in New York state heap nearly a 60 percent tax on the "rich" to pay for health care, shouldn't we ask ourselves who's going to be left to innovate?

Wake up people: That's not the American way!

Our grandparents left Europe, packed up everything they owned, left families behind so they could come here — to America — and be free. They came to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit. They didn't come here, risk everything, work their butts off, only to have our dopey politicians implement the very government programs they were running from.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on FOX News Channel