
People walking by a Long Island, N.Y., middle school Sunday afternoon got quite an eyeful — a young couple, buck naked, going at it on the school roof.

"The officers observed the two individuals on the roof as God made them — they were naked and they were engaging in sexual intercourse," Suffolk County Police Inspector Robert Ponzo told the New York Daily News. "They were clearly visible from street level."

New York's WCBS-TV said police got a call around 4:30 p.m. Sunday from some angry parents whose kids had told them about the act of procreation taking place atop John F. Kennedy Middle School (search) in Port Jefferson Station, about 50 miles east of Manhattan.

Officers quickly responded, surprising the busy couple, who jumped up and started running without putting on their clothes.

Rebekah Albee, 19, and Anthony Oddo, 24, both of Port Jefferson Station, were arrested and charged with public lewdness and criminal trespassing.

Oddo was also charged with resisting arrest — he fought being handcuffed with his hands behind his back because he was trying to cover his privates, said the Daily News.

Both were released on their own recognizance.

Ponzo told the Daily News that Oddo explained that the lovebirds were simply "looking for a place to [make love] without getting in the way."

Newsday of Melville, N.Y., noted that Oddo was currently homeless after recently getting out of jail for drug possession.

Temperatures in the New York area approached 90 on Sunday, with the humidity near maximum, so the school's tar roof must have been a bit less than comfortable.

"The school roof would be kind of like my last choice," noted Ponzo.

— Thanks to Out There reader Tony L.

End to Courtesy Flushes in Sight

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) — A country club's smelly bathroom inspired Huntington resident David Kirby (search) to design an odorless toilet.

The 47-year-old spent a year developing a prototype complete with a hollow toilet seat and adapting a vacuum motor with filtration system. For the past year, he has tested his product and used his odorless toilet system at home.

Now Kirby hopes to go to market.

The system works by using a hollow toilet seat with holes on the bottom connected to a small pump via a hose with a filter.

The pump hangs below the water bowl and draws the foul smelling air through the toilet seat, a filter and out the pump.

Kirby, a landlord by trade, said the idea to eliminate bathroom odor came from divine inspiration.

Kirby said he's not the first person to come up with a hollow toilet seat and pump system. There are already 300 different patents existing for different styles, he said.

But Kirby said he's the only one with a filter in the hose.

— Thanks to Out There reader Charlene H.

Flip-Flop Flap Fuels Fundraiser

CHICAGO (AP) — The latest White House flip-flop controversy has nothing to do with John Kerry (search).

After Northwestern University's national championship women's lacrosse team visited the White House last Tuesday, a group photo showed several players wearing flip-flop sandals along with their dresses and skirts.

A controversy quickly followed, with the Chicago Tribune's front-page headline on Friday quoting an e-mail player Kate Darmody's older brother sent her: "YOU WORE FLIP-FLOPS TO THE WHITE HOUSE?!"

Family members of other players were also dismayed, saying the footwear was too casual for a visit with the president.

"Don't even ask me about the flip-flops," said the mother of player Aly Josephs. "It mortified me."

The players have defended their attire, arguing they wore a dressier version of the casual sandal.

"Nobody was wearing old beach flip-flops," said Josephs, who wore a $16 brown pair with rhinestones.

Darmody, 22, added: "I tried to think of something that would go well with my outfit and at the same time not be that uncomfortable. But at the same time not disrespect the White House."

The young women are trying to turn the controversy around. They plan to auction off their White House flip-flops — and give the proceeds to a 10-year-old girl with a brain tumor.

Click in the photo box above to see the offending objects.

That's $1,000 for Seven Letters

NEW YORK (AP) — A man being questioned for jury duty found himself in trouble with the law when he referred to a kidnapping suspect with a vulgarity.

Stephen Caruso, a 27-year-old financial planner, was fined $1,000 on Monday. The judge said the court could not allow such "insulting, demeaning invective spewed at a defendant."

Caruso, who faced up to 30 days in jail, was found guilty of contempt for comments he made before jury selection in the trial of a carjacking-kidnapping case.

The defendant, Robert Sanford, 59, has been convicted and awaits sentencing in August.

"I'm relieved that I'm not going to jail," Caruso said after leaving court Monday. He also apologized for his behavior.

Last month, the prospective juror told lawyers that he could not give Sanford a fair trial, referring to him with a vulgar word.

Norman Steiner, Caruso's lawyer, said his client had been robbed at gunpoint while a college student in New Orleans.

Caruso said that if he were called again to jury duty he would be honest but would use language more appropriate to a courtroom.

No Cigarette Break, No Mistrial

BOSTON (AP) — Jurors at Geuri Lugo's drug trafficking trial may not have gotten one of the cigarette breaks they requested, but that doesn't mean the guilty verdict should go up in smoke, the state Appeals Court has ruled.

Lugo was convicted of trafficking in heroin and cocaine. He appealed, saying the judge's denial of the jury's request for a smoke break had contributed to a quick or compromised verdict.

The Appeals Court on Monday rejected Lugo's appeal, saying it was within Judge Richard F. Connon's discretion to deny the request.

It was during the first day of deliberations at Lugo's April 2003 trial that jurors sent a note with three questions, including a request to take a break outside to smoke.

The judge denied the request, saying it was problematic to suspend deliberations and send court officers to stay with the jurors outside as they smoked.

He also noted that jurors had just returned from lunch 30 minutes earlier and were scheduled to go home an hour later.

"Lugo points to nothing other than the denial of the cigarette break; he does not otherwise show how the denial affected the outcome of the trial," the court said in its ruling.

Dog Lives on Cheeseburgers, Milkshakes

FARMLAND, Ind. (AP) — One of the best customers at The Chocolate Moose (search) restaurant has never even been inside the door.

Missy Jo, a 60-pound bulldog mix, comes with owner Tony Mills, 51, to the restaurant for a daily treat of plain cheeseburgers and vanilla milkshakes on the patio.

The tradition started seven years ago, when Mills was mowing his father's lawn and noticed a barking dog next door in the town 15 miles east of Muncie.

Mills took a break and walked down to the restaurant, ordered the dog a cheeseburger and fed her over the fence. The barking stopped.

Eventually Mills became acquainted with the dog's owners, and for three years, every time he mowed his father's lawn or went over to visit, he took a cheeseburger along for Missy Jo.

In 2001 the dog's owners moved and couldn't take the dog to their new home, so Mills asked if he could have her and the owners agreed.

Although the dog may like the special treats, the Mills' veterinarian doesn't approve.

"He doesn't think it's the best idea in the world," he said. "But she [Missy Jo] acts just like she's fine."

Compiled by FOXNews.com's Paul Wagenseil.

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