
After the Split: Will Kim Kardashian Still Auction Off Reggie Bush’s Clothes?

Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush appeared to have a fairytale relationship -- but in Hollywood, there often isn’t a happily ever after. Fans were shocked by the announcement on Monday that the two had amicably split, although according to a source close to the pair it wasn’t such a surprise.

“It’s been rocky for a little while now,” said our insider. “They both have contracts on separate sides of the country and it was too much. They used to see each other every couple of weeks, but Kim’s brand is much bigger than it was last season.”

But it wasn’t too long ago that the Queen of Curves had already started planning a flourishing family and future with the NFL star.

PHOTOS: Click here for photos of Kim Kardashian.

"Having six kids would be amazing; it’s exactly what I want. It’s what I grew up with, so I can’t imagine anything less," Kardashian recently told Pop Tarts. "It is something Reggie and I have talked about. When you’re that close to someone, it’s always going to come up."

Miss Kardashian is also cleaning out her wardrobe with a portion of the proceeds going to charity - and even though the two previously sold their goods together, (in the past he has auctioned designer shirts, jerseys, custom suits and shoes) Bush’s name has already been removed from her eBay site.

So will she still be bothered to sell her ex-beau’s cotton coverings even for a good cause?

"My dad passed away from cancer so the funds go towards granting wishes for terminally-ill adults,” Kardashian told us said.

A pal close to Kim said that she has a ton of hot stuff belonging to her and Reggie’s ready to go for auction but “doesn’t know” if the debunked duo will continue to do business together.

A rep for eBay’s Giving Works declined to comment on the situation.

And on the note of Kardashian’s and ruptured romance, Pop Tarts spotted Kourtney’s newly-reinstated fiance Scott Disick livin’ it up at the Silverspoon Malibu Beach House on Saturday, going on about how he has to be very well-behaved now as part of Kourtney’s new terms and conditions, but that didn't stop him from making an obnoxious comment.

“I could puke on myself and still be good-looking,” he was overheard saying.

Paris Hilton *Says* She is No Party Girl, Single But Still Planning Motherhood

In the past Paris Hilton has been paid several million dollars just to show up at a party and her name has since become synonymous with clubbing, however the hotel heiress was quick to defend her wild ways at the premiere of “Paris, Not France” in Los Angeles last week.

“When I lived in N.Y., when I was 16, everyone used to think I was just a party girl but there's a lot of work that goes into it and it is not just about being photographed and going to parties,” Hilton told Tarts. “I have to travel the world promoting my brand, I have to be designing. I have to be doing so many things so it’s not just all fun and games. I lead a very fascinating life and I live life to the fullest and I've built an empire and brand with so many things encompassed in it and I've traveled the world and I've really lived a lot of lifetimes in one life.”

And although she hasn’t found her Mr. Right, Miss Hilton has babies on her mind.

“Of course I want to have a family and be a mom,” she added. “I want to be like my mom who is amazing and she has 4 beautiful children so I'd love to have that one day.”

Speaking of Mr. Right, just a word of warning to keep your husband well away.

“Paris will be a fun loving mom and she’ll probably have a million pets running around. I don't know who an ideal husband would be,” her Aunt Kyle said. “Somebody who can walk in her shadow and just love her for who she is. They're all married the guys I would recommend for her!”

Posh & Becks Put On Sweaty PDA

Despite the never-ending rumors that David and Victoria Beckham are on the brink of a break-up, Pop Tarts spies spotted the British lovers getting hot and heavy at Sports Club L.A in Beverly Hills on Monday morning.

Posh managed to still look stunning despite dripping with sweat after an intense workout on the cross trainer where she joined her hubby down in the weights area.

"Victoria tried to do chin-ups but she couldn't so David was helping lift her," said our eyewitness. "They were all over each other, it was so cute."