
There've been a lot of great tributes to Gerald Ford — all well deserved, all properly dignified.

I remember too how he healed a nation and brought a people together.

I remember those great things. But I also remember the little things.

How he made his own breakfast.

I know it was a weird thing, but for me, it was a very memorable thing.

The most powerful man in the world toasting his own English muffin, then delivering to someone I guess he found a tad more powerful: his wife!

Gerald Ford was real. He was human. He was humble.

In a country torn apart it by big things, it was a little, human thing that helped bring us together.

I know, I know: A president who toasts his own muffins is hardly the stuff of museums. But it's in the little things that I think we sometimes grasp the greater things: The dimensions of a man who sees himself simply as a man.

A man who made his own breakfast and, in the process, made history as well.

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