
Friday on "DaySide"

In addition to the day's breaking news, there's another story we're following: the growing Republican chorus of criticism against Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (search). Thursday, Senators Trent Lott and Susan Collins chimed in after Senators John McCain and Chuck Hagel spoke out a few days ago. Add to that Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and conservative columnist Bill Kristol, and you've got an awful lot of prominent people questioning your leadership — people who otherwise would tend to be supportive.

This chorus is growing after Rumsfeld's response to pointed questions from soldiers in Kuwait about lack of armor for their vehicles. Sen. Hagel called Rumsfeld's response "flippant."

So Friday we've invited Bill Kristol (search) on “DaySide” to discuss this — we have calls out to the Senators as well. I'd like to include your comments in this debate over Rumsfeld and troop armor, so send me an e-mail at: dayside@foxnews.com.

See you Friday!


P.S. For those of you who'd like a running list of all the terrific things we've profiled so far in our special "12 Days of Christmas" series, click here.

Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET

Send your comments to dayside@foxnews.com.