
Men love breasts. In fact, many men would say that breasts are one — or two — of their favorite things.

Until, that is, they start growing their own. Then it's suddenly a storm in a D-cup. Or worse.

Because you might not just whine about your man-boobs — you might decide to take things further — after all, there are only so many times you can put up with comments like: "You're in the wrong changing room, man."

This maybe explains why, according to headlines this week, ‘moob operations’ for men have shot up by 80 percent in the past year in the U.K.

Here's a guide to what causes them, what to do about them - and when to call your doctor about them.

1. Fat

Often, though, man "breasts" are actually just fat: You won't be able to feel any firm tissue, just lard.

Clues are that both sides are affected equally and they wobble when you run.

The cure is simple: Slim down. Only consider surgery if you've tried that and you really want those assets stripped.

2. Age

Your breast tissue tends to swell — known in the trade as gynaecomastia — any time your hormones are up the spout.

That includes both extremes of age — baby boys because of the influence of your mother’s hormones and older men because their testosterone levels are flagging.

This is normal and harmless. It's common in adolescents, too.

3. Medication

A variety of pills can upset your hormone balance enough to fill those breasts.

4. Drug Abuse

Bodybuilders who use steroids may find they're building up more than they bargained for.

The same may apply to marijuana users, although a link between marijuana and man-melons remains controversial.

5. Illness

Very rarely, those "moobs" are just two tips of a disease iceberg.

Liver problems, kidney failure and an overactive thyroid can all be causes.

So if you're feeling ill as well as swollen, see your doctor.

Click here to read more on this story from The Sun.