
A woman who tied up a cheating lover and glued his penis to his stomach said Tuesday that she didn't mean to hurt him and only overreacted because he was trying to contact her 12-year-old daughter.

Therese A. Ziemann, 48, said she and three other women only meant to confront the married man about his cheating ways. Her decision to grab the bottle of nail glue from her makeup bag was "a stupid spur-of-the-minute decision," she said.

"I had just found my daughter's number in his cell phone," she said outside court. "It was just a warning from me to him, to stay away from the kids."

Ziemann, her sister, another lover and the man's wife were all sentenced Tuesday to one year probation plus community service for their roles in the revenge plot.

Ziemann, a mother of six, acknowledged that she lured the 37-year-old man to a motel last July after the man's wife contacted her and told her he was seeing other women.

First she tied the man up and blindfolded him under the guise of erotic play. Then she summoned the other three women with a text message, according to court documents.

She told police she slapped the man in the face, cut off his underwear and used the glue to attach his penis to his stomach. The other three women arrived, and several berated and belittled the man. Eventually he worked his way out of his restraints and the women fled.

The Associated Press is not naming the man or his wife to protect his identity as a victim of sexual assault.

The judge acknowledged a possible double-standard with the sentencing. If the incident involved a man who committed similar acts against an unwilling woman, that man would doubtless face prison time, Judge Donald Poppy said.

But in this case the victim and his "bad behavior" were partly to blame, he said.

The victim "started the ball rolling, philandering with others besides his wife, who was putting bread on the table and taking care of his children," the judge said.

After the sentencing the victim and his wife walked out of the courtroom together.

Outside the courthouse, as he got into an SUV with his wife, he told The Associated Press he felt bad for all four women. He acknowledged that his own actions contributed to the situation, and he said he had no hard feelings toward any of them.