
The second woman to accuse Bill Cosby (search) of sexual misconduct told FOX News that the comedian drugged her, put her in bed and violated her in the "worst possible way" before leaving two $100 bills on her coffee table.

Tamara Green (search), 57, spoke Wednesday to "On the Record With Greta Van Susteren" about an incident that allegedly took place 30 years ago.

Green said she told Cosby she wasn't feeling well, at which point the comedian gave her two pills that made her seriously drowsy and stripped her of motor control.

"I was almost literally face down in my lunch," Green said.

Green said "The Cosby Show" star drove her home, where he tucked her into bed. Then "he began to molest me and violate me. He basically violated me in the worst possible way," she said.

However, Green said she stopped Cosby from raping her despite being "incredibly stoned."

"I did have the wherewithal to tell him that if he raped me he would have to kill me," said Green.

Earlier Wednesday, Cosby, 67, denied Green's claims. Because her accusation dates to 30 years ago, a prosecutor suggested such an old claim likely wouldn't be relevant in the current case, which involves a 30-year-old former Temple University employee who says Cosby molested her.

When asked about why she waited so long to come forward with the accusation, Green said she was motivated by the fact that her claims mirror the charges of the current accuser, Andrea Constand.

She also said she wanted to take the heat for coming forward so other women wouldn't be afraid to speak out about being assaulted.

As for the $200, Green said Cosby left the money to send a message that he'd gotten his use out of her.

"His comment was he got what he paid for," said Green.

In addition to denying Green's charges, Cosby's lawyer also blasted the Philadelphia Daily News (search) for printing her accusations. Green was described by the newspaper Tuesday as a model-turned-lawyer who worked for Cosby in California at the time of the alleged encounter.

The report was published as prosecutors mulled whether to file charges against Cosby in the complaint by the first accuser. A decision by Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. could come this week.

The former Temple employee went to police last month to report that Cosby had given her pills and fondled her at his suburban Philadelphia mansion a year ago.

According to the State Bar of California (search), Green entered a program for lawyers with substance abuse or mental health problems in October. The bar had lodged disciplinary charges against her in March, alleging 12 counts of misconduct involving three clients, spokeswoman Kathleen Beitiks said.

Among the allegations were failure to pay client funds promptly, failure to perform with competence, failure to maintain client funds in a trust account and failure to refund unearned fees.

Green did not return telephone messages left Wednesday at a Ventura, Calif., number believed to be her home.

First Assistant District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman declined Wednesday to comment on whether the investigation would include Green's complaint. But she said such decades-old allegations can only be used in a very limited number of cases.

"Generally, an accusation from over 30 years ago is not going to be considered admissible in court or relevant to an investigation," Ferman said.

Cosby's attorney, Walter M. Phillips Jr., said Green's allegations were "absolutely false."

"Mr. Cosby does not know the name Tamara Green or Tamara Lucier [her maiden name] and the incident she describes did not happen," Phillips said. "It is irresponsible of the Daily News to publish an uncorroborated story of an incident that is alleged to have happened 30 years ago."

Daily News city editor Kurt Heine said the newspaper stood by its story.

The former Temple employee, who now lives in her native Ontario, Canada, went to Canadian authorities Jan. 13, contending that Cosby gave her some medication that made her feel dizzy, then fondled her at his Cheltenham Township home after a dinner out with friends. She said she later awoke to find her bra undone and her clothes in disarray.

Cosby denies her allegations.

She said she considered Cosby, a Temple alumnus and booster who frequently attends campus events, a friend and mentor.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.