
Health officials say 25 cities and states have ordered swine flu vaccine and the first doses should be administered Tuesday.

An estimated 6 to 7 million doses should be out next week, and they should include both shots and the nasal spray form of the vaccine. But the first 600,000 doses available Tuesday will all be nasal spray.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave the details Thursday at a press conference in Atlanta.

In related news, the Army says an autopsy shows a soldier from Florida who died while at Fort Jackson in South Carolina passed away from pneumonia caused by the H1N1 flu virus.

Fort Jackson officials said Thursday the death of 23-year-old Spc. Christopher Hogg of Deltona, Fla., is the first such death at the Army's largest basic training site.

Pentagon officials say they're trying to confirm details of the case.

Hogg died a week after he was taken to a the hospital with fever and respiratory problems. He was in his fifth week of basic training and would have graduated Oct. 15.

Officials said as of Wednesday, 51 of the Fort Jackson's 13,000 soldiers had flulike symptoms.