
VANCOUVER - Everybody wants to party but nobody wants to pay.

Tens of thousands of Canucks fans have poured into downtown Vancouver on game nights as the team has battled its way toward the Stanley Cup, and Mayor Gregor Robertson says the party comes at a price.

The city has already spent about $1.3 million on policing and outdoor public events like giant TV screens to broadcast games, and it would like the province to pitch in to cover the costs.

B.C. Premier Christy Clark says if the Canucks win the cup, the provincial government will help Vancouver pay for the celebration, but she says policing costs will be up to the city.

In Ottawa, Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore avoided questions about whether the federal government would contribute to the cost of a victory parade, saying it might jinx the team to talk about it.

The Canucks are in Boston tonight for Game 6, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern time.