
The UFC's new drug-testing policy kicked in for athletes in July 2015 but the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) is turning things up a notch this year.

The enhanced testing that covers athletes both in and out of competition has already yielded results with several fighters facing potential suspensions due to the use of banned substances.

Now, USADA is multiplying their testing exponentially in 2016 with hopes of eradicating performance enhancing drug use from the sport or at least diminishing the use dramatically with random appearances and fighters being tested constantly throughout the year.

To showcase just how much USADA has ramped up their testing, take a look at the statistics for the past three quarters according to Ariel Helwani via "UFC Tonight" on Wednesday.

In the 3rd quarter of 2015, 50 fighters tested for a total of 81 tests

In the 4th quarter of 2015, 131 fighters tested for a total of 272 tests.

In the first 20 days of 2016, 49 fighters have been tested for a total of 60 tests.

As you can see, the numbers are only going up by the quarter and that will likely continue as USADA's partnership with the UFC increases and the drug testing policies are enforced.

Also to show just how random and often fighters can and will be tested, UFC lightweight champion Rafael dos Anjos was actually tested twice in the past week when USADA officials showed up unannounced to request blood and urine samples.

It appears 2016 is going to be a very busy year for USADA and the UFC as the program hits full speed ahead over the next few months.