
PHILADELPHIA (AP) The latest on Penn State and the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse scandal (all times local):

7:10 p.m.

Penn State says it doesn't have records from 40 years ago to help evaluate a claim former football coach Joe Paterno was told by a boy in 1976 that assistant coach Jerry Sandusky molested him.

The university says in a statement issued Friday a claim attributed to an insurance company in a coverage dispute with it amounts to allegations that aren't established facts.

A Philadelphia judge's ruling this week says the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association Insurance Co. also claims there's evidence one assistant coach saw ''inappropriate contact'' between Sandusky and a child at the university in 1987 and a second assistant ''reportedly witnessed sexual contact'' between Sandusky and a child a year later.

Sandusky's lawyer says he talked to him about the reports and he denies those incidents occurred.

Paterno died in 2012.


6:20 a.m.

Joe Paterno's son says an allegation made by insurers that a boy told the longtime Penn State football coach in 1976 that he had been molested by former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky is ''bunk.''

In a tweet sent early Friday morning, Scott Paterno says that ''it would be great if everyone waited to see the substance of the allegation before they assume it's true. Because it's not.''

The allegation is revealed in an order issued by a Philadelphia judge in litigation between an insurance company and Penn State. Pennlive.com says the order also cites reports by unnamed assistant coaches they witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and children.

Sandusky is appealing a decades-long sentence for abusing 10 boys. Paterno was fired following Sandusky's November 2011 arrest and died of lung cancer in January 2012.