
If the quarterback competition doesn't settle itself in camp, Mark Richt appears willing to let the players determine the winner on the field.

"If it was today, my feeling is we'd play more than one guy," Richt said after the team's final scrimmage Thursday, according to Dawg Nation.

The Bulldogs' coach didn't even indicate if the competition was down to two or three players, however Faton Bauta worked extensively with the second unit in the scrimmage. Of course, Richt pointed out that nothing should be read into that move, muddling matters even more.

The players certainly sound as if they are tired of answering questions regarding the quarterbacks.

"I don't know; I don't really worry about it too much," running back Brendan Douglas said. "I'm just out there playing. I'm sure whoever we pick will be fine. Leave that up to Coach Richt."

"I'm not allowed to comment on the quarterbacks," linebacker Jake Ganus said. "Once a starter's named, I'll tell you everything about him."

Whoever wins the job will be inheriting a team expected to win the SEC East this season. With that level of pressure hanging over his head, Richt may want to see how the players perform when the pressure is real before making his final decision.

"I don't think we're set to say 100 percent we're going to name a starter after this thing," Richt said. "My gut is we'll keep going in some way, shape or form. It may keep roll into the game. There may be more than one guy playing. If it was today, my feeling would be we'd play more than one guy."

(h/t Dawg Nation)