
The NFL Players Association will file a motion to remove former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue from the Saints' bounty hearings on Wednesday.

Current NFL commissioner Roger Goodell named Tagliabue as his replacement for the hearings on Friday.

Tagliabue was set to hear arguments from Jonathan Vilma, Will Smith, Anthony Hargrove and Scott Fujita on Oct. 30 over the penalties Goodell initially handed out in May and were overturned by an appeals panel in September, resulting in Goodell re-issuing his decision on the punishments with a few changes.

Hargrove, currently a free agent, had an eight-game ban cut to seven games and Fujita, now with the Cleveland Browns, had a three-game penalty trimmed to one game. Vilma's suspension remained season-long and Smith's four-game ban also held firm.

"To comply with the Court-ordered schedule, we will be making a motion under the CBA to recuse Paul Tagliabue today, and will be subsequently filing those papers with the Court," the NFLPA said in a statement.

The NFL will have until 5 p.m. (ET) Friday to answer to motion, and the NFLPA will have until noon Monday to respond.