
Is there anything Josh Donaldson can't do?

During Wednesday's game against the Cleveland Indians, the Toronto Blue Jays slugger tagged from third on a pop up - to the second baseman.

The throw from Jason Kipnis took Yan Gomes up the line, but Donaldson sidestepped him, showing off some incredible moves:

His move caused the Toronto crowd to shower him with M-V-P chants.

After the game, starter R.A. Dickey called Donaldson a super hero.

"It's gotten to the point where nothing this guy does surprises you anymore," he told reporters via MLB.com. "He's a super hero, really. He's in a special place right now. He has such a great game clock, and you can't really teach that. It's an intangible that some guys possess, and he's got it."

His manager John Gibbons called him a mad man.

"He's a mad man, that's a great play," John Gibbons said. "The second baseman, he heads out and he's backpedaling a little bit, you see that more out of your flyers, your speed guys. Then of course he took second base on the ball to left field too."

Soon enough, you may be calling him MVP.

Donaldson tallied three more RBI, pushing his season total to a ridiculous 110 runs driven in.

(h/t MLB.com)