
Johnny Manziel was spotted at the Mavericks-Heat game in Dallas on Wednesday night, but he didn't want to talk about his precarious status with the Cleveland Browns.

Manziel was approached by ESPN.com's Tim McMahon at the game but told the reporter he was only willing to talk about basketball. Obviously, McMahon didn't need Manziel's insight on the Mavericks.

Reports have been swirling that the Browns have already decided to release Manziel after another he was involved in yet another off-field incident last weekend. Browns executive vice president of football operations Sashi Brown released a statement Tuesday saying that Manziel's "status with our team will be addressed when permitted by league rules."

The Browns can cut ties with Manziel as early as Monday, the day after the Super Bowl, but more than likely will wait until the new league year begins on March 9 due to salary-cap considerations.