
Eli Manning found an interesting way to lay low when making a major purchase in the Hamptons.

The New York Giants quarterback and his family are reportedly the proud owners of an $8.5 million, 7.000 square foot home in the Long Island village of Quoge.

Now the real-estate move isn't unique, however, the name of the buyer is: Mr. Chester LLC -- a company named for the Mannings' 6-year-old King Charles spaniel, Chester.

The home has five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a fireplace, and a pool. No word on whether there are any special accommodations for Chester, himself.

Chester was actually profiled in a 2014 issue of People magazine. In the article, the Giants quarterback credited Chester with being a lifeguard.

"He is very protective [of the kids] and keeps a good eye on them," Manning told People. "He does not like when they go swimming. He's very scared for them in the swimming pool, you know. We've got a good eye on them, but it's sweet."