
Donald Trump still has a long way to go before he unseats President Obama in the Oval Office, but he does seem to have an advantage in one area of life: his golf game.

While campaigning in South Carolina, the Republican presidential candidate took a jab at Obama. Not regarding the fact that he's out on the course fairly often, but that he would beat him in a match. And as ridiculous as it sounds, Trump's right.

"I would win," Trump said. "No seriously, I would."

Trump supposedly has a handicap that hovers around four, though that was probably before he put all of his effort into running for office, but it's still impressive nonetheless.

President Obama, on the other hand, usually cards scores in the 90's, which is obviously much worse than Trump's numbers. Trump has also won several club championships, so he says.

"I've won many club championships, actually," he said.

He also poked "fun" at the fact that Obama constantly plays golf with his friends and not the important people in the world.

"I love golf. Golf is a great thing," he continued. "When the President plays golf it's OK, but he should play with people he wants to make deals with. ... Not just his friends."