
The Miami Dolphins have interviewed a handful of candidates to become their next head coach, with Mike Shanahan headlining the group. It may take some time for them to find the perfect guy for the job, but former Dolphins legend Larry Csonka knows who Miami should hire: Tom Coughlin.

Csonka is campaigning for the Dolphins to bring in the former New York Giants head coach, and he doesn't care that Coughlin is 70 years old. The two played together at Syracuse in the past, so the connection between Csonka and Coughlin is obvious, it's just a matter of whether the Dolphins can, or will, make it happen.

Here's part of what he said on his website, LarryCsonka.com:

The one problem Csonka realizes is the fact that Coughlin would likely want control of personnel and Football Operations -- similar to what Chip Kelly had in Philadelphia and Bill Belichick in New England.

Coughlin obviously has the pedigree and experience to handle the extra responsibilities, but Miami likely won't give that up despite having a first-year general manager in Chris Grier.

The Dolphins have yet to express interest in Coughlin and the coaching vacancies are growing each day, so there's plenty of competition out there. Six other teams are looking for head coaches and Miami isn't the most attractive of the bunch.