
With projected starting middle linebacker Rolando McClain not ready for live game action, the Dallas Cowboys were hoping that second year linebacker Anthony Hitchens would step into his role. Remember, McClain is also suspended for the first four games of the regular season. Instead, an early training camp injury has kept Hitchens sidelined since August 15th.

Hitchens has finally shed his walking boot, but he admitted Wednesday that he is unlikely to practice any time soon. At this point, any more preseason action seems out of the question. Hitchens' target is likely the Cowboys' regular season opener against the Giants on September 15th.

"I'm just getting my foot better, doing what they're telling me to do,'' said Hitchens, who played briefly in the preseason opener, per David Moore of the Dallas News. "I'm doing a lot better than last week. That's all that matters.

"I'm just trying to get the mental reps. I'm still watching film with the guys, just trying to get better in a different way. It may not be out there on the field but get better in the film room, get stronger in the weight room and get the mental reps.''

In McClain and Hitchens' absences, the Cowboys have mixed and matched different players at middle linebacker. Most recently, they have used Kyle Wilber and Andrew Gachkar.

(h/t Dallas News)