
Conor McGregor might take shots at the superstars in the WWE from time to time, but if the price is right he still may appear next to them at WrestleMania this year.

The outspoken UFC lightweight champion confirmed on Saturday that talks have been ongoing with the WWE for a potential appearance at the annual event held this year on April 2 in Orlando.

While McGregor wasn't ready to commit to anything just yet, it certainly sounded like a possibility that he could pop up at the biggest WWE show of the year.

"Never say never. I know there's been conversations," McGregor revealed when speaking about the WWE. "I know Triple H was at the show (UFC 205). I'd love to go to that WWE and have a real knock. Let one of them have a real knock and see what's what. We'll see.

"There's conversations ongoing. I've turned down some things, conversations still ongoing."

McGregor took several shots at the WWE last year in preparation for his rematch against Nate Diaz last August including a message on Twitter that had several superstars responding to the UFC champion.

Still, McGregor's appeal and star status make him the perfect target for WWE to bring in for a show with the magnitude of WrestleMania.

The WWE worked with former UFC women's champion Ronda Rousey two years ago when she made an appearance at WrestleMania and now it appears the organization is interested in McGregor as well.

Ultimately, McGregor says he's turned down several high profile offers like an appearance in the upcoming "Predator" reboot due to scheduling where he'd be required to spend eight weeks in Canada for filming.

On the flipside, McGregor quickly accepted an appearance with the Pegasus horse race because it paid him well and he was only there for three days total. A quick appearance at WrestleMania could be a huge selling point for the WWE to land the UFC's biggest star.

Whether the WWE deal happens or not, McGregor says he's more focused on making history right now, which revolves around his proposed super fight against retired boxing star Floyd Mayweather.

"I don't need nothing right now. I'm chilling," McGregor said. "I'm trying to make something that I want to make happen. I'm trying to make something that I feel would be historic. That will long after I'm gone, it will be told to kids. Like some historical (expletive).

"So that's where I'm at, I'm trying to focus on that."